Thursday, May 29, 2014

Student Success Statement
"Obedience is the great test of life."
Thomas S. Monson 
I think this statement means that in order to pass the test in life you must obey all the rules that have been given to us. This test is the one that determines whether we fail or succeed in life. If someone doesn't abide by the rules they will fail but if someone obeys the rules they will be successful. That is how life testes you; it will see if you obey the rules or not. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Student Success Statement 
"Obedience... is the primary object of all sound education."
Elizabeth Missing Sewell
This statement is saying that you must obey the rules given to you. If you don't you can penalize yourself and even penalize others. We should also obey the people around us and educate ourselves as much as we possibly can. 

Western Medicine Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities: Western Medicine Doctors also choose a variety of alternative medicines to cure their patients. It is also based on the concept of energy to  heal certain illnesses.These types of medicine treat a variety of systems like; the mind, energy, biological based practices, etc. The types of treatments they use are ancient healing systems, homeopathy, and naturopathy. These methods stray from the traditional doctor ways. 
Salary: $300,000
Education Requirements:
The education needed varies depending on what part of the medical field the person is going into. One of the common requirements in the medical field is a high school diploma and a bachelor’s degree. Students must take courses in college that focus in that career. They should also attend a university that offers a course or degree in that field. Depending on the area where there practice is, they may have to be licensed. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Student Success Statement
"Obedience sums up our entire duty"
Hosea Ballou 
This means that your entire duty is summed up by obedience. You have to obey the rules to be able to truly fulfill your duty. At the end all that will matter is whether you were obedient to what you were supposed to do or not. If you are obedient to others then they will return the favor and be obedient to you. In contrast, if you don't obey and abide by the rules then people will have no respect for  you and wont obey you either.   


Eastern Medicine Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities: Eastern Medicine Doctors use an old system of medicine based on the concept of energy, qi. They balance your energy and use many type of therapies such as needling, cupping, acupressure, and exercises. This way of medicine has no side effects and is remarkably inexpensive. The person who does choose this career will learn to treat and prevent illnesses through other methods not commonly used. These methods include the use of herbal and homeopathic medicines.
Salary: $30,000-$150,000
Education: A student that wants to become an Eastern Medicine Doctor can attend a college or university that offers certificate and degree programs in this field. Some certificate program include: holistic health, massage therapy, herbal medicine, yoga instruction and oriental body therapy. Depending on the area of practice a license may be necessary.

Reflection: I do not want to be an eastern medicine doctor because it sounds boring.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Obedience-compliance with an order, request, or law or submission, to another's authority 
Examples of Obedience: 
- An obedient child would go to bed when his parents asked him to even if he didn't want to. 
-An obedient student would be quiet when his teacher asked him to be even though he wants to continue talking. 

Military Medical Career
Duties and Responsibilities: The United States military offers many jobs; from medics to physicians. It is one of the many government-employed options for healthcare professionals. Each different branch of the military, which include the army, navy, air force, and marines, have different needs for medical professionals. Something they all share in common is their health standards. Any small physical health standard can disqualify you. The health standards would be: physical weakness, or deviation, from the slightest vision or hearing impairment to flat-footedness. Anything like this could disqualify you. You must also pass a physical fitness and endurance test.
Salary: $30,000-$100,000

Education: Once you are granted into the military, your training and education are paid for. You will not have to pay out of pocket for your medical degree, nursing degree, or other related healthcare training. Once your service requirements are met, you are free and clear of any debt for your medical training. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Harmful Effects and Consequences of Drug Abuse
Drug Abuse destroys your family and makes them go through a lot of pain. It also costs you such things such as your job. Once you become addicted it is almost impossible to stop using them. Drugs lie to you and you become unrecognizable. Drugs kill your identity. Getting your friends to use them will destroy their lives, their families, and their family. You control your own life and you suffer the consequences for your own stupidity. Because of drugs, you may never be able to go out and take a walk but instead you will be in prison for the rest of your life. When it comes to drugs, help is always near. When you come to realization about what you are doing, take the time and recognize that there are people willing to help you.

Student Success Statement 
"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."
Benjamin Franklin 
This means that you must develop good sleeping habits. For example you should try going earlier to bed so that you can get enough sleep and won't be as tired in the morning. Sleep deprivation can lower your health and after a period of time it can make you sick. If you get enough sleep it will only benefit your health for example, you will feel well rested, will be able to concentrate, and will wake up in a good mood. 


Oriental Medicine Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities: Doctor of Oriental Medicine is a job which includes the practice of acupuncture, Chinese herbology, and Asian bodywork therapy.  They provide and manage direct patient care, including physical examinations, evaluations, assessments, diagnoses, and specialized oriental medicine procedures and treatment for a specified patients population. They prescribe herbal and other medications and treatment regimens as appropriate to assessed medical conditions. They perform procedures of acupuncture and other related procedures. They also perform physical medicine modalities, procedures, and devices.
Salary: $30,000-$150,000

Education: Minimum requirements include satisfactory completion of at least two academic years of education at the baccalaureate level that is appropriate preparation for graduate level work.
Reflection: I would not like to be an oriental medicine doctor because it does not interest me. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Student Success Statement
"A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession." 
This statement means that someone smart would realize that his health comes before all things. Without health, you can't really do much. You need a healthy condition to be able to do all the things you wish to do. If you are not in good health you are being held back from everything you ever wanted to do. Your own health is more precious and valuable than any object. 

Sports Medicine
Duties and Responsibilities: A sports medicine doctor helps professional and amateur athletes stay healthy or recover from injury. They are given the opportunity to work with medical professionals, such as surgeons, physical therapists, physiologists, nutritionists, and coaches to help patients in their recovery. They come up with ways to prevent injuries and promote health for individuals who are involved in sports and exercise.
Salary: $200,000
Education: After obtaining a bachelor’s degree with a strong curriculum, you have to go to an accredited medical school to earn a Doctor of Medicine. Programs similar to that one take four years to complete and include work in the musculoskeletal and nervous system, biochemistry, and physiology. After receiving your degree, you must perform a residency lasting 2-7 years in a specialty like internal medicine, emergency medicine, etc. After residency you can take a sports medicine fellowship which takes 1-2 years to complete.

Reflection: I would like to be one because it sounds interesting.

Monday, May 12, 2014

5 Tips For A Healthy Heart
  1. Diet 
  2. Avoid Smoking 
  3. Keep an Active Lifestyle 
  4. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight 
  5. Reduce Your Stress

To improve my health I am going to follow the 5 tips for a healthy heart. I am going to improve my diet to one that is healthier. I don't smoke and it isn't in my plans any time soon so I guess that really does not  matter. I already have a somewhat active lifestyle but i can do more. I am okay with my weight. My stress will reduce significantly when i get out of school. 

Student Success Statement 
"Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right."
W.Clement Stone
This means that you should not be afraid to say no to something you do not wish to do. Also you should do the right thing because it is the right thing to do and you will be rewarded for it later on. 

Duties and Responsibilities: Acupuncture is an old Chinese therapy based on the theory that the body depends on life energy. They imbalance the body by inserting fine needles into acupuncture points. The manipulation of the body's energy can treat conditions such as respiratory and circulatory disorders, neurological and stress-related disorders, gynecological disorders, and the relief of pain and allergies. Acupuncturist first have one-to-one consultations with every one of their patients. They use their skills and knowledge to treat a wide arrange of health problems. Their tasks include making a diagnosis and developing a treatment plan, taking pulse and blood pressure, and keeping patient and financial records. 
Salary: $55,000
Education: Acupuncturists are trained in anatomy, physiology, and many other areas of science and medicine. They have comprehensive knowledge about the nervous system  and the vascular system and understand the mechanism of action between insertion of acupuncture needles and the reactions of body tissues and nerves.
Education and training in acupuncture takes several years. Acupuncturists undergo training in a number of different areas, including acupuncture treatment, clinical acupuncture, diagnosis and evaluation, needle placement, stimulation techniques, and sterilization procedures.
Reflection: I would not like to be an acupuncturist because i don't like the job. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Student Success Statement 
"Courage is being scared to death and doing the right thing anyway." 
Chae Richardson
This means that you could be in the scariest situation but that does not mean you choose the wrong. Instead you do the right thing even if you have never been that scared before. In the end, it will most likely pay off. 

Wellness Professional
Duties and Responsibilities: A wellness professional plans, implements, directs, and maintains the District’s health and wellness initiatives. They evaluate and provide recommendations regarding health and wellness related activities.  They analyze and evaluate a variety of program related data, communicate with parents, employees, administrators, for the purpose of providing administrative support. They also create programs to make sure the wellness objectives are met.
Salary: $69,000

Education: Some requirements include knowledge in algebra and geometry. They must also have flexibility to work in a wide variety of circumstances. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

-the ability to do something that frightens one 
synonyms: bravery, fearlessness, nerve, daring, heroism 
Examples: Asking someone out on a date, standing up for something you believe in, risking your life for something worth it. 

Student Success Statement
"Act well your part; there all honor lies."
Alexander Pope
This statement means that whatever you actions are define the honor you have. If your actions are good then you will have the highest recognition. Also if you are not a good person then you will not have any honor therefore you will be disrespected. 


Duties and Responsibilities: Orthodontics, a specialty within the dental profession, involves straightening teeth and correcting bites. As an orthodontist, you are responsible for locating problems with the positioning of patients' teeth and with their oral development. You might use x-rays or plaster molds of your patients' teeth to do this. You will then use dental appliances, such as braces, retainers and space maintainers, to correct these problems for the purpose of providing better function, appearance and facial development. You will also be responsible for planning custom treatment plans that are tailored to treat each individual patient based on his or her dental records and specific anomalies. You may also be in charge of supervising and instructing orthodontic technicians and assistants in performing routine procedures.
Salary:  $186,320 
Education: To become an orthodontist, you need to graduate from dental school with a Doctor of Dental Surgery or Doctor of Dental Medicine. However, you'll first need to earn a bachelor's degree in most cases. It doesn't matter what major you choose, but you'll need to take certain prerequisite courses, such as chemistry, biology, physics and organic chemistry. You'll need to take the Dental Acceptance Test  during your junior year of your undergraduate studies.
Once admitted to dental school, you'll receive clinical training. Your courses might include histology, physiology, dental anatomy, pharmacology and oral radiology. You'll be exposed to the different dental specialties, such as periodontics, oral surgery, orthodontics and pediatric dentistry. During your clinical training, you'll work with patients and gain experience working in the different dental specialties.

After graduating from dental school, you'll need to enter a residency to receive specialized orthodontics training. These programs last 2-3 years and you may be awarded a certificate and/or master's degree upon completion.
Reflection: I would not like to be an orthodontist because it does not interest me. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Student Success Statement 
"I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating." 
This statement means that it is better to get a bad score honestly than by cheating. For example, it is better to fail a test honestly than to have made an A on it but you copied someone else.

Oral Care Professional
Duties and Responsibilities: Oral care professionals’ clean teeth examine patients for signs of oral diseases such as gingivitis and provide other dental care. They educate their patients on how to take care of their oral health. Their duties include: removing tartar, plaque, and stains from teeth; applying sedates and fluorides to help protect teeth, teach patients oral cleansing techniques.  
Salary: $70,210
Education: They need an associate’s degree in dental hygiene. High school students interested should take courses in biology, chemistry, and mathematics. They are also required to have completed one year of college.

Reflection: I would not like to be an oral care professional because dental hygiene doesn't interest me.